Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partners like Rockwell Automation embed AVEVA technology and functionality into their own applications, equipment, or systems to deliver a purpose built, pre-integrated solution for the customer. Our 17-year partnership with Rockwell supports a highly scalable distributed operational intelligence strategy for companies wanting to improve insight at each level of their manufacturing system. Rockwell’s FactoryTalk Historian, powered by the PI System, is optimized for manufacturing data collection from Rockwell centric controls, machines, and work cells with seamless integration to AVEVA enterprise infrastructure and solutions. Designed to empower personnel at all levels with insight and analytics to address productivity, quality, environmental, energy, and other business improvement initiatives more effectively.

“We are thrilled to expand our agreement. This partnership helps us continue to provide industry-leading digital transformation solutions to the process, discrete, and hybrid manufacturing industries. In turn, this enables us to bring the connected enterprise to life for our customers. It’s a win-win.”
—Jason Wright, Director of Digital Design and Visualization Applications, Rockwell Automation
Joint solutions
FactoryTalk® Historian Site Edition, powered by AVEVA™ PI System™
FactoryTalk® Historian Site Edition, powered by AVEVA PI System, automatically discovers all controllers and HMI devices in the plant and their associated data points. This allows users to review and approve data, which can then be configured by FactoryTalk Historian SE in a matter of hours. FactoryTalk Historian builds off industry-leading technology licensed from OSIsoft (now part of AVEVA) and leverages the FactoryTalk Services Platform for premier integration with the Rockwell Automation Integrated Architecture.
FactoryTalk® Historian Machine Edition, powered by AVEVA™ PI System™
FactoryTalk® Historian Machine Edition, powered by AVEVA PI system, provides high-speed, reliable data capture, enabling manufacturers to reach continuous process improvement goals. It achieves its superior reliability through a solid-state design hardened for on-machine use and with no moving parts. A limited software footprint requires no server or personal computer, significantly reducing the risk of data loss due to network or other system interruption and making the unit ideal for remote or hard to service locations. Plug and play access to real-time process and production data. It's modular and able to either stand alone or roll up into a plant-wide historian like FactoryTalk® Historian SE or AVEVA™ PI System™.
Rockwell PharmaSuite® Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
Rockwell PharmaSuite® Manufacturing Execution System (MES) offers role-based optimization for each stage of the recipe lifecycle for batch and discrete processing. The AVEVA PI System interface for Rockwell PharmaSuite® Batch scans events and PharmaSuite data sources, and then populates the AVEVA PI System’s asset framework (AF) database with event frames and elements. Through iterative scans, the interface updates AVEVA PI System points based on the data received.
Success stories
The Doe Run Company enhances operational insight with AVEVA PI System and FactoryTalk Historian
The Doe Run Company, (Doe Run) along with Gray Solutions, LLC, created an AVEVA™ PI System™ asset framework (AF) standard across its existing instances of FactoryTalk® Historian deployed at Doe Run’s mining, milling, and recycling facilities.
OSIsoft, now part of AVEVA, integrates with Rockwell Automation Pharmasuite (HME AG/Rockwell)
The Rockwell PharmaSuite AVEVA PI System interface helps to save time and improve process and product quality by enabling golden batch analysis and CPV.

Tyson Foods mobilizes information to improve compliance and quality
The Tyson Foods corn dog facility makes 120MM pounds of product annually while collecting data from all over the plant including utilities, processing, and packaging with over 1,500 data points.
Enbridge pipeline uses FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition for high-speed data collection
FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition from Rockwell Automation allows you to collect data in novel ways and applications. Remote data collection can be easily configured and deployed in an overall data collection strategy.