Weekly Audits
Review the sitemap.xml links to ensure that no pages are being inadvertently exposed in external search.
These are the sitemap.xml links to review:
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_es.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_de.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_pt.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_ko.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_ru.xml
- https://www.aveva.com/sitemap_ja.xml
- https://www.aveva.cn/sitemap.xml
Refer to Page Properties > Sitemap XML Configurations > Indexability > No Index for site sections or specific pages that should not be indexed.
Please note: These page types are not supposed to show up on the sitemap.xml either. If you find them, it will take a development change to remove them:
- stage URLs
- /language-masters/ URLs
Monthly Audits
Search Results - All Content
Verify each result contains the following required content:
- Page Label in all caps
- Page Title or Card Title that is linkable per the Implementation Rules for Default Linking
- Page Description or Card Description
For these Content Types and Event Types, verify that a date is displayed:
- Blog Post
- Podcast
- Presentation (from Ektron source)
- Event - all types (from Salesforce source)
Other issues to audit:
- Page Label, Title, and/or Description that does not make sense with URL of page
- HTML code that is showing up on the front-end in either Title or Description text
- A ™ included after AVEVA (this ™ is not applicable in Page Title; it should only be used in the H1 and Card Title)
Search Results - Products
Verify each result contains the following:
- "Formerly Known As" letter casing is consistent across all applicable results; should have initial caps on each word
- For AVEVA products: "By" info has "AVEVA Group plc" and not just "AVEVA" (Vendor Name tag should be used to display AVEVA Group plc; Product Owner tag displays "AVEVA")
- For all products: Verify a vendor name is included
- Product Owner = AVEVA and Vendor = AVEVA Group plc have the same number of results; if they don't, then compare the lists to identify the mismatches and apply the missing tags
- Page Type = Products from All Content search should match the number of products displayed in Products search
Other issues to audit:
- Non-product pages that are showing up in the results
- HTML code that is showing up on the front-end in either Title or Description text
- Inclusion and placement of the trademark with AVEVA
Quarterly Audits
Delete ARCHIVE items, if certain they will not be needed in the future.
Yearly Audits
Copyright Year in Footer
Update copyright year in footer experience fragments:
- 1 XF for full header and footer template
- 1 XF for minimal header and footer template
Work with the AVEVA Legal Department and Brand Team when there is a question about the copyright year(s).
- Typically, the first year is the original year when there is a major site launch or redesign or content overhaul.
- When the calendar year changes from 2020 to 2021, the copyright should change to 2020-2021. This protects all content from both years.
- When the calendar year changes from 2021 to 2022, the copyright should change to 2020-2022. This protects all content from all three years.
English Site
The latest aveva.com English site was launched in 2020.
- In 2020, its copyright was 2020
- In 2021, its copyright was 2020-2021
International Sites, Except for French
The international sites, except for French, launched in 2021.
- In 2021, its copyright was 2021
- In 2022, its copyright was 2021-2022
French Site
The French site launched in 2022.
- In 2022, its copyright was 2022
- In 2023, its copyright was 2022-2023
Press Releases
Press releases are featured in the English, Japanese, and Chinese sites, and they are organized by calendar year:
- https://www.aveva.com/en/about/news/press-releases/
- https://www.aveva.com/ja-jp/about/news/press-releases/
- https://www.aveva.cn/about/news/press-releases/
- Create the new year's folder in Listing template under /press-releases for hosting the press release web pages (the Listing page should be rolled out and published when the first press release of the year goes live)
- Copy metadata and page content from previous year's Listing page, and then update the following for the new year:
- Page Properties > Basic
- Title
- Page Title
- Breadcrumb
- Description
- Page Properties > Site Configuration
- Index
- Hide from Coveo
- Page Body
- H1
- View All CTA if it includes a year on the front end
- View All CTA if it includes a year in the Coveo dynamic parameters
- Path in List component to reflect new year
- Page Properties > Basic
- Copy metadata and page content from previous year's Listing page, and then update the following for the new year:
- Include a link to the new press release Listing page in the List inventory
- Create a new About AVEVA experience fragment, if impacted by the year change
- Create a new press release copyright statement experience fragment to use only on that new year's press releases (copy the copyright statement from previous year's experience fragment, but make sure to update the year)
- Create a new year folder for the press release images
Attributes > Year Tag
- Create a tag for the new year
Coveo Search
Update Year mapping, if applicable, for Salesforce Events and Ektron Presentations