Each site has a unique Header XF.
Components that make up the Header XF experience:
Global Header
Used for international sites only at this time; EN already switched to Global Header v2
Supports visual design for a 2-column flyout
Authoring fields include:
- Level 0 labels and links (Industries, Offering, Resources, About Us)
- Utility Nav labels and links (Contact Us is required for every site; other links will vary based on a site's translated content)
- Language Selector icon path, site label, and path
- Need to confirm which version of path to use: with or without /language-masters/
- Search path and label (Hide Search Box feature for Minimal Header and Footer)
- Use /content/aveva for all sites
- Properties checkbox to identify XF as for Minimal Header only
Global Header v2
Used for EN site only at this time (but may be implemented on international sites as well)
Supports visual design for a 3-column flyout (this is the primary difference behind using Global Header v2 vs Global Header; the authoring fields in both are the same, but the backend code support for the flyout column UI is different)
Authoring fields include:
- Level 0 labels and links (Industries, Solutions, Resources, About Us)
- Utility Nav labels and links (Investors, Partners, Academia, Training, Support & Success, Contact Us)
- Language Selector icon path, site label, and path
- Need to confirm which version of path to use: with or without /language-masters/
- Search path and label (Hide Search Box feature for Minimal Header and Footer)
- Use /content/aveva for all sites
- Properties checkbox to identify XF as for Minimal Header only
Used for Header logo in both Global Header and Global Header v2
Alt Text should be "AVEVA" in all caps
Used for a 2-column flyout
Used for Industries, Resources, and About flyouts on all sites, and used for Offerings on international sites only (eventually international sites may switch to Navigation 2 for the Offerings or Solutions content)
Authoring fields include:
- Level 1 and Level 2 labels and links
Navigation 2
Used for a 3-column flyout (but will still support a 2-column flyout if the content for the third column is not authored)
Used for Solutions flyout on EN site only at this time (eventually international sites may switch to Navigation 2)
Authoring fields include:
- Level 1 and Level 2 labels and links
- Within each section for a Level 2 label and link, browse for the Header L3 Navigation item, which builds the third column of the flyout
Header L3 Navigation
Used for the third column of the flyout
Browsed into Navigation 2 for its corresponding Solution Category grouping
Authoring fields include:
- Level 3 labels and links
Follow the Linking rules when authoring the header components:
- Same site (pages or assets) = use relative path
- Different AEM site or third party site = use absolute URL
- Coveo parameters =
- If same site, use relative path + .html + Coveo dynamic parameters (starts with a #)
- If different AEM site, use absolute URL with trailing / + Coveo dynamic parameters (starts with a #)