Content Governance for the Sitemap Webpage
The sitemap webpage is used to represent the content on the website that is meant for public search.
This section is built using the Sitemap List Child Pages option.
Each industry is added to a column.
The industries are listed in alphabetical order by English.
The international sites should follow the same order as the English site.
This section is built using the Sitemap List Child Pages option.
Each solution grouping is added to a column.
The international sites should follow the same order as the English site.
This section is built using the Sitemap List Fixed List option.
The reason this was done is that it allows a curated list of only AVEVA core products. AVEVA DX and Partner DX products are purposely excluded from this section.
To see all products available on the website, click the link for "View all products" at the bottom of the fourth column.
For branding purposes, all product names should remain in English.
The word "AVEVA" is purposely omitted from the product name in this list to make the product names easy to scan and read.
Each column of links is alphabetical by product name in English.
In the English site, each set of products with the same starting letter should appear in the same column even though this leads to uneven columns.
The international sites should follow the same order as the English site.
This section is built using the Sitemap List Fixed List option for xxx columns.
This section is built using the Sitemap List Child Pages option for xxx columns.
This section is used for company content.
Other Resources
This section is used for the remaining site sections. (Legal, CONNECT Experience, Academica, Training, Support, Contact Us)
Technical Governance for the Sitemap Webpage
H3 is used for high-level site section grouping (Industries, Products, About AVEVA, Pespectives, Other Resources).
H4 is used for each column site section subgrouping (Chemicals, Engineering, etc.).
Link text in Sitemap List Child Pages option is derived from the Breadcrumb field in Page Properties for each page that populates the list.
Each column in the example sitemap below represents the 4 list options available for displaying links.
Sitemap Component for Whole Container, Then Title and Sitemap List in Each Column
H4 Title - 3 Levels, Order by Title and Ascending, Link Items
AVEVA Events -
About AVEVA - Our story -
Careers - Life at AVEVA -
Investors -
News -
Partners -
Supplier Portal -
Sustainability - Our Approach
H4 Title - 3 Levels, Order by Title and Descending, Link Items
Sustainability - Our Approach -
Supplier Portal -
Partners -
News -
Investors -
Careers - Life at AVEVA -
About AVEVA - Our story -
AVEVA Events
H4 Title - 3 Levels, Order by Last Modified Date and Ascending, Link Items
News -
AVEVA Events -
About AVEVA - Our story -
Careers - Life at AVEVA -
Investors -
Partners -
Sustainability - Our Approach -
Supplier Portal
H4 Title - 3 Levels, Order by Last Modified Date and Descending, Link Items
Supplier Portal -
Sustainability - Our Approach -
Partners -
Investors -
Careers - Life at AVEVA -
About AVEVA - Our story -
AVEVA Events -