Component Terminology
Banner: A full-width component used at the top of pages or to promote offers/forms further down in the page body
- Home Page Banner
- Top Banner
- Offer/Form Banner
Card: A square or rectangular component; it should be used to link to another web page or asset
- Card Icons
- Card Images
- Card Perspectives
- Card Carousel
- Card 2x2 Section Layout
Form: Used to collect data submitted by users; primarily for lead generation or contact inquiries
Panel: A full-width component, typically in a 50/50 split or another type of two-column split, with content on one side and an image or video on the other side
Asset Terminology
Document: A type of written document, such as a white paper, datasheet, brochure, success story, etc.; saved in .pdf file format
Icon: A type of image
- Icon in Card Icons component; often times these are decorative - not functional
- Flags in Language Selector
- Social Media icons in Footer and Social Media Sharing componet
- Connect with Us icons for Email, Schedule a Demo, Live Chat
Image: A picture, icon, or logo; saved in a .png, .jpeg, or .svg file format
Logo: A type of image; used for branding a company name or tagline
Other Terminology
Anchor: Used to link to a specific section within a page rather than defaulting to the top of a page
- Background Container
- Secondary Navigation
- Smart Button
Coveo: Name of search platform being used to power the internal search experiences
Marketo: Marketing automation platform used
Salesforce: Lead data flows from AEM > Marketo > Salesforce
Smartling: Translation Management System (TMS) used