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Introducing PowerRunner on AVEVA™ PI System™
Empower your utility grid transformation by unlocking the value of AVEVA PI System data. This operational data infrastructure integrates configurable analytics to help you build solutions that meet your needs.
Transform your company into a smart utility
- Over 200 transmission and distribution grid operators rely on AVEVA PI System.
- 100% of Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations in North America rely on AVEVA PI System.
- Over 40 of the largest investor-owned utilities in the U.S. use AVEVA PI System.

“The advantage here is that everyone has the same data available. AVEVA PI System is one of the business development enablers. It is bringing data available for decision-making on all the levels from strategic planning to daily operations.”
— Jari Martikainen, IT manager, Helen Sähköverkko Oy

Decarbonize your grid network
- Optimize energy efficiency and resource use with situational awareness.
- Increase the use of renewables in your network.
- Securely share energy-sourcing data with customers.
- Improve regulatory compliance.
See how Alectra embarked on a digital transformation with the PI System to design and deploy a new advanced reliability-centered maintenance (RCM3) strategy. This approach enabled the company to maintain critical assets, prioritize repairs, and decrease failures that could lead to outages.
Empower your workers
- Connect your workers to make your operations more agile and resilient.
- Improve your workers’ skills with effective training and connected tools.
- Attract and retain the next generation of workers by using the latest mobile technology with cloud, AI, and contextualized data.
See how DTE Energy visualized sensor data in real time and sent fault alerts to its operators, crews, and customers. Improving worker connectivity decreased outage times by roughly 500,000 minutes per year.

Increase operational resilience and agility
- Increase electric grid reliability and resilience by using your data more effectively.
- Increase asset utilization and situational awareness.
- Decrease unplanned outages, gain real-time visibility into grid conditions, and improve customer satisfaction.
Energy Queensland chose AVEVA™ PI System™ to bring together real-time data on grid infrastructure, weather, and geographic features and to enable engineers to manage power flow. By using dynamic ratings based on real-time data, the company could take full advantage of unused network capacity, allowing engineers to manage power flow more economically.
AVEVA products for the Transmission and Distribution industry
AVEVA™ PI System™
Collect, aggregate, and enrich real-time operations data for immediate problem-solving and easily deliver formatted data to enterprise applications and advanced analytics.
CONNECT data services
CONNECT data services is an easily scalable cloud data management SaaS that makes sharing industrial data simple and secure.