5 reasons why you should upgrade to AVEVA™ Plant SCADA 2023
Posted: June 10, 2023
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus believed the world was in a state of constant change, and this view is certainly true in the age of software. However, change isn’t necessarily bad. As technology progresses and adoption increases, industrial organizations must match the rate of change to meet new challenges and satisfy customer demands. Industrial software is a valuable asset that fosters innovation and discovery and leads to new ways to use information to continuously improve processes. Software must evolve as business needs and technology change, so companies can keep pace with the market and their competition.
If you’re operating with older versions of AVEVA™ Plant SCADA, Citect SCADA, or Vijeo Citect, you may be missing this necessary evolution. Significant improvements and updates over the last several releases have continued AVEVA Plant SCADA’s rich history of bringing flexible, high-performance supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software to plant personnel.
Here are five reasons you should consider upgrading to AVEVA Plant SCADA 2023 today.
1. Streamlined development experience
AVEVA is modernizing design techniques, user experiences, and navigation workflows for all its operations control software. AVEVA Plant SCADA 2023 updates the development and configuration environment to make it more consistent with other AVEVA software and easier to use common design technologies across the AVEVA operations control portfolio.

2. Modernized web client
In AVEVA Plant SCADA 2023, the HTML5 web client supports embedding industrial graphics, AVEVA™ Historian client trends, webpages and more. Casual and mobile users benefit from this read-only visualization.

3. Replicate AVEVA Historian data in AVEVA™ PI System
You may already use AVEVA Plant SCADA to natively connect to the AVEVA Historian process database to historize captured data and forward this data to AVEVA™ Insight and other analytics software. In the 2023 release, AVEVA PI System and Connect Data Services join the list of applications that receive AVEVA Historian data through an easy-to-configure menu.

4. Greater data connectivity
Do you need to designate user permissions to write to tags through OPC UA or integrate with other AVEVA offers like the new AVEVA™ Development Studio cloud application? AVEVA Plant SCADA expands its capability to data everywhere. This brings new opportunities for your organization to give each type of operations user the information they need to make informed decisions.

5. Security updates
All AVEVA releases improve security—not just for external threats, but also for daily user identity management. Whether you’re looking for simplified access through single sign-on or must track user interactions with the system for regulatory compliance, AVEVA Plant SCADA continues to prioritize and enhance security.
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