AVEVA’s digital twin, now with Assai Document Management
Posted on: March 07, 2022
When one of AVEVA’s biggest energy customers embarked on its digital twin journey in 2019, the company first needed to create Engineering Data Warehouses (EDW), which would hold the Master Asset Register for its operational sites around the world. This important first step would provide the physical structure data from which the organization could later layer on operational systems to create a living, breathing, and fully contextualized digital twin environment to empower connected working.
To do this, the company looked to AVEVA as its digital transformation partner for this initiative, following a decades-long history of working together to design and deliver capital projects using AVEVA’s best-in-class, data-centric engineering and design tools. AVEVA Asset Information Management was selected to bring together their 1D, 2D, and 3D engineering data across their geographically distributed sites of varying age and digitalization maturity, with data from hundreds of different sources.
Collating and contextualizing the engineering data in a structured way was only the beginning. The company also needed intelligent engineering data to sync with its existing document management solution. This is where Assai’s Document Control and Management System came into play. Document Control and Management System is a global standard solution based in the cloud to provide one-stop document control. The system proactively controls document revision flows to manage non-intelligent data and allows it to become part of the company’s EDW framework. This approach enables the digital twin to function at the enterprise, site, system, and even component level, to provide workers with the information they need, how and when they need it.
Solution benefits include:

Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the need to have an asset information system and a document controls system that work together. To extend the benefits to AVEVA’s customers across the industrial plant and marine sectors, we have formed an official partnership and jointly invested in the integration of the two solutions via a seamless API integration. The partnership will seek to further develop the shared capabilities by aligning around a joint product roadmap for the future.
Now, AVEVA and Assai’s shared customers have access to solutions that provide them the best of both worlds. AVEVA’s best-in-class engineering and asset information management solutions allow users to design and build new plants, and the solutions retrofit efficiently and keep digital twin data evergreen. For its part, Assai helps customers ensure all data, no matter it’s from, is incorporated in a logical, easy-to-access way.
Assai is a state-of-the-art Document Control and Management System supporting the full life cycle of engineering projects and assets. Built on the best practices and standards of the energy industry, Assai supports all processes during the asset life cycle from Project initiation to Design and Build, Handover, Commissioning, Operations, and Decommissioning. Assai has strong revision control and supports transmittal-based distribution where each user has their own personal inbox showing all outstanding items. The built-in redlining module supports web-based redlining and commenting, auto-roll up, comment extraction into the final version, and digital signatures and stamping.
AVEVA Asset Information Management turns data from multiple information sources and systems into actionable insights you can trust. This solution excels at identifying and cross-referencing all the relationships between equipment, documents, drawings, and various data formats. With AVEVA Asset Information Management, companies can connect disparate teams into a common data asset via the cloud, on-premises, or with a hybrid approach. The solution not only accelerates information discovery but also improves decision-making to optimize project schedules, operational performance, and safety while reducing risk.
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