Connected for change: Driving emissions reductions through digital-first collaboration
Posted: March 14, 2024
If we are to accelerate climate action and transition toward cleaner sources to meet crucial #netzero emissions milestones, I see the need for two key requirements. The first is continued widespread industrial digitalization at pace. The second is greater collaboration through open data sharing.
Our experience shows that critical sectors like engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and mining, minerals and materials (MMM) are strong on inbound collaboration with outside partners. Still, many industries lag in outbound collaboration and voluntarily sharing information externally.
Taking down the barriers to change
There are numerous reasons why there’s a global lag in external information sharing. Fears of ceding competitive advantage. Limited trust in data security guardrails. Still, given the profound shared sustainability challenges – from the climate crisis to resource constraints – without doubt, now’s the time all entities must adopt a more collaborative digital mindset focused on driving collective progress, not maintaining silos or the status quo.
At AVEVA, we bring innovative technologies and cross-industry partnerships together in a single ecosystem. It powers secure, trusted and open information exchange, removing barriers and inconsistencies.
While hurdles around integration and intellectual property are real, I see reason for genuine optimism. This ecosystem paves the way for unprecedented alignment between industries, partners, public stakeholders and governments. It allows for a two-way exchange of data and actionable insight. Already, it is helping industries discover new ways of working, enabling people and AI to collaborate in a mutually beneficial manner. Our path ahead entails collective capability, not constraint.
Unlocking a digital-first, collaborative mindset
Within the industrial sector, transitioning to sustainable systems demands tapping into the full potential of industrial intelligence and shared data across value chains. In my experience, there are three vital steps that can accelerate the shift to a digital-first, collaborative paradigm: Mandate. Validate. Collaborate.
1. Mandate alignment
Firstly, companies must mandate that teams break down silos and align using the power and agility of the cloud to share data. They must take full advantage of industrial intelligence, #AI, machine learning and unified supply chain data flows allows entire ecosystems to transition toward circular, net zero models.
- Take Aker Carbon Capture which increased its operational efficiency and time to market by 50%. The company also reduced the cost of its carbon capture offering by 90% leveraging AVEVA’s cloud-based solutions.
- We have also seen Veolia Water Technologies connect 260 individual global engineering teams to drive 20% better collaboration and agility, freeing up resources.
2. Validate impact
Secondly, initiatives already underway within the ecosystem demonstrate efficiency, agility and sustainability gains cross-industry real-time data sharing can unlock.
- For instance, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is using machine learning to optimize the performance of hydropower in Canada. OPG experienced up to $4 million USD efficiency savings within the first 24 months of implementing and value acceleration.
Imagine what more we could unlock if we shared this intelligence with partners and collaborators? Initiatives such as government incentives for open innovation can also help accelerate adoption.
3. Collaborate for systems change
Thirdly, collective action helps tackle complex shared challenges. Jointly engineered infrastructure, such as grid modernization, and processes for #decarbonization pave the way for mass change. Partnerships can also bring new energy sources online faster and more efficiently.
- We see this with Neste, where the company is managing its supply chain to manage model-building, decision support and production planning in one digital space.
- ZGlobal has saved thousands of dollars on power purchases through the aggregation of data via AVEVA Data Hub.
- Consider Talison Lithium, the largest global lithium supplier, which was able to accelerate its analysis by 50% and improve accuracy using automated digital systems.

Building trust and sharing progress
While formidable challenges still exist, by embracing the collaborative capacity of the digital-first ecosystem, clearly a net zero future stands within reach. At AVEVA, we are working with organizations globally to drive sustainable transformation through #digitaltransformation.
The technology exists but technology alone cannot address the climate crisis. Realizing impact requires commitment from all stakeholders to convert shared aspirations into accountable action. Businesses, governments and society must evolve from a ‘planet vs profit’ mindset to an integrated ‘planet and profit’ model built on data-enabled collective action. This way, we can carefully balance the three dimensions of the energy trilemma and ensure healthy energy systems that are secure, equitable and environmentally sustainable.
Will we realize the power of globally connected industrial insights to accelerate strategic coordination and remove obstacles? Yes. From where I stand, I know we can close the gap between insight and impact, and therefore between today’s realities and tomorrow’s solutions.
This isn’t just about technical or digital prowess but collective will to embrace a collective, open data sharing mindset across industries. I trust that together; a more sustainable future is within our reach and the next step on our path must be one of partnership.
To learn more about connecting your data and your communities, visit our Connect industrial cloud platform.