Hydrogen’s great potential for the renewable energy transition

Posted: May 10, 2024

Hydrogen has great potential. It has emerged as one of the most promising developments in the field of renewable energy solutions.  Not only is it able to produce energy without emitting carbon dioxide, it can also store this energy efficiently and mitigate hazardous waste. Whatever the calculus of clean energy production for our future energy needs,  hydrogen promises to play a large role in making it sustainable.

Hydrogen’s allure and adversity

Why haven’t we unlocked this potential already? Hydrogen is undeniably alluring as a clean energy solution. It certainly holds great promise for specific applications, but it is not yet ready to scale. Renewable hydrogen is currently limited by its cost and efficiency—which also vary according to the methods of hydrogen production.

Not all methods of hydrogen production are the same. With a close look, we can reveal a more nuanced picture of hydrogen production—as different methods of hydrogen production carry varying levels of environmental impact. While hydrogen produces no carbon at the point of use, its production is carbon intensive. The methods used to generate hydrogen determine its environmental footprint, with significant implications for the overall sustainability of hydrogen-based energy systems.

The future of hydrogen, while bright, hinges on its responsible deployment and a concerted shift towards renewable production methods. Rather than succumbing to inflated projections fueled by fossil fuel interests, policymakers must prioritize investments in genuinely sustainable hydrogen infrastructure.

Harnessing hydrogen’s power

Hydrogen is in prime position to help bring about the renewable energy transition. But to effectively implement it, we need a careful balance of innovation, regulation, and investment. By embracing sustainable production methods and scrutinizing industry claims, we can harness hydrogen's promise while safeguarding the planet for future generations. Contact us to speak more about it!

Curious to learn more? Read about the different “colors” of hydrogen in this blog post or specifically about green hydrogen in this blog post

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