Optimizing industrial data for scalability in a low-carbon world

Posted: June 05, 2024

Digital technology stands as a cornerstone of modern industrial processes, from oil and gas extraction to power generation and chemical processing. Over three decades, leaders in these sectors have refined industrial software systems. But the urgency to swiftly decarbonize energy and implement low-carbon industrial processes demands developing even more sophisticated applications at an unprecedented pace.

Facing the global challenge of transitioning to renewable energy, developing plants for applications like green hydrogen production and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), requires high levels of industrial collaboration, complex supply chains, and scalability. Proving the economics of these new assets involves intricate engineering concepts simulated and assessed against real-world economic and market conditions. In this complex IT environment, digital integration becomes increasingly crucial as industrial actors rely on collected asset data, advanced analytics, and third-party specialist services.

Engineers and operations teams today require digital tools that seamlessly collaborate to deliver information efficiently, whenever and wherever needed. Can today’s technology effectively meet this need?

The scale of the energy transition

With global temperatures already 1.1ºC above pre-industrial levels and projected to reach 1.5ºC within the next five years, the imperative for rapid progress toward low-carbon operations is clear. Understanding the magnitude of the transition ahead is essential. Despite advancements in low-carbon technologies like solar, wind, and green hydrogen, more than 85% of the world’s primary energy still comes from fossil fuels. Carbon emissions have surged by over 60% since the signing of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992. Staying on the path to net-zero emissions requires massive deployment of clean energy technologies by 2030.

Green hydrogen, carbon capture, and circular economy technologies propelled by supportive policies, incentives, and technological advancements are gaining traction as clean energy carriers in a decarbonized world. Industries such as transportation and agriculture, where hydrogen serves as a precursor to green ammonia and sustainable fuel production, are recognising the potential of decarbonization, which is poised to play a pivotal role in a sustainable energy future.

Performance and interoperability

As the energy transition demands greater efficiency and optimization, integrating engineering information with operational data becomes crucial. AVEVA emphasises the importance of contextual linking among tools to advance workflows supporting the energy transition.

Whether organizations are working to meet the levelized cost of hydrogen with green hydrogen or reduce energy consumption, an integrated, data-centric approach is critical. Similar approaches central to CCUS and other decarbonization technologies underscore the significance of industrial information management as a foundational layer in overall strategy.

Separation of information management

AVEVA proposes a different approach to digital transformation. Rather than consolidating information into a large cloud-based data lake, AVEVA advocates for better integrations across existing core systems. By integrating core systems, specialist teams can continue using familiar tools, enhancing overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.

AVEVA’s strategy centers on the concept of an industrial information layer, intentionally separating where information is managed from the applications and analytics consuming it. This federated approach allows information to remain in specialized tools while enabling contextual integration for collaborative workflows.

Analytics and applications

Today, industrial plants generate vast amounts of time-series data from sensors, along with data from advanced analytics and applications. Centralizing this data within an industrial information layer breaks down digital silos, providing engineers and operations teams with a single source of truth. This approach facilitates improved efficiency, collaboration, and informed decision-making.

Outlook and conclusions

Success in achieving climate goals hinges on efficiency. AVEVA advocates for a contextually integrated industrial information layer to maximise flexibility and responsiveness in control and analytics systems. By adopting technologies like the recently launched CONNECT industrial intelligence platform, industrial players can streamline operations, reduce errors, and achieve sustainable outcomes across the entire decarbonisation value chain. Learn more at www.aveva.com.

Visit www.aveva.com and learn how AVEVA’s holistic strategies are already yielding results for industrial giants across various sectors, including BP, CEMEX, Aker Carbon Capture, Thyssenkrup, Fortescue Future Industries, and Dominion Energy, among others.

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