Real-time streaming of contextualized data now available in AVEVA Data Hub
Posted: July 19, 2022

As of February 2022, AVEVA Data Hub is the official name for the product formerly known as OSIsoft Cloud Services (OCS).
Historically, engineering and operations were the biggest users of a company’s operations data, but that’s changing. Industrial digital transformation is driving new users to look for value in real-time performance data. As more people require data, the underlying data infrastructure must expand as well. The latest release of AVEVA Data Hub, the cloud-native, SaaS complement to AVEVA PI System, simplifies remote asset monitoring and empowers teams to do more with their data. With AVEVA Data Hub, industrial companies can aggregate operations data from across a distributed environment and provide secure access to any authorized user—whether they work in a plant, a remote location, for the enterprise, or for an ecosystem partner.
New features provide full automation of the streaming and contextualization of data associated with a specific asset type. This asset-based visualization makes it faster and simpler for operations engineers to spot inconsistencies, solve problems, and prevent downtime. More intuitive data views also enable analysts and data scientists to quickly develop new algorithms and find opportunities to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Equipment manufacturers and service providers can use real-time data streaming across public networks to offer high-value services to their industrial clients.
“Leveraging AVEVA Data Hub as our cloud [solution] of choice allows us to provide new, high-value remote monitoring and data analysis services to our clients.”
Eric Bratton
Chief Operating Officer at CosaTron
AVEVA Data Hub was first launched as OSIsoft Cloud Services (OCS) in 2019 to democratize access to operations data through browser-based data inquiry and an easily scaled centralized data hub. This SaaS-based historian aggregates operations data collected from a company’s multiple operating sites, as well as from individual remote assets and IIoT devices. AVEVA Data Hub lets teams share data visualizations in common workspaces and has enabled equipment manufacturers and service providers to offer customized solutions to their clients.
CosaTron, a provider of air purification systems, will be using AVEVA Data Hub as part of its air monitoring service to present customers with indisputable evidence of indoor air quality in the wake of COVID-19. Eric Bratton, Chief Operating Officer at CosaTron, notes, “Leveraging AVEVA Data Hub as our cloud [solution] of choice allows us to provide new, high-value remote monitoring and data analysis services to our clients.”
AVEVA Data Hub will enable many more use cases for complex sequential and time-based operations data. “Whereas AVEVA PI System has historically dominated the plant-level operations data management market, AVEVA Data Hub has extended that leadership outside the plant with its cloud-native distributed design,” said Laurent Garrigues, VP of Portfolio Management at AVEVA. “As part of AVEVA PI System, AVEVA Data Hub is the superhighway for streaming operations data into and through the cloud, to people and applications across large industrial ecosystems.”
As a cloud-based SaaS, data from any sensor, edge device, asset, or plant can stream directly into AVEVA Data Hub, be automatically contextualized, and then delivered to a cloud-based data lake or any other connected application.
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