Simplify measurement collection and reporting
Accurately measuring hydrocarbon flows is critical to financial and regulatory performance. By reducing complexity and ensuring accuracy, you can optimize the flow of measurement operations.
You can deploy AVEVA Measurement Advisor both on-premises and in the cloud to enable seamless verification of electronic flow measurement (EFM) data across an entire fleet, ensuring integrity and accuracy for fiscal custody transfers.

Streamlining the measurement operations workflow

Centralize the configuration of measurement devices. Facilitates proper setup and maintenance of all measurement devices.
Support open standards for to receive data from third party polling engines as well as Integrated polling that can tie into existing AVEVA solutions. Seamless import of file-based data from external sources.
Alerting Measurement Analysts to problems with their data is an extremely important aspect of the system. System will identify where missing data exists or where the data fails a validation rule.
If new data arrives or manual edits are made to the data, the system will recalculate the data based on known device configuration and gas quality measurements according to industry standards and best practices (AGA, API, GPA)
Closing functions simplify end-of-month responsibilities by alerting analysts to any outstanding issues with the data prior to finalizing the close. From an accounting practice standpoint, changes after closing are properly handled. Each prior period adjustment is marked accordingly, requires individual approval using a separate identity and is fully auditable.

AVEVA Measurement Advisor overview
AVEVA Measurement Advisor is an enterprise corporate measurement system that is designed to securely store, edit, recalculate, validate and audit flow parameters of natural gas for integrity measurement and custody transfer applications. The system is built according to industry standards and best practices such as AGA, API and GPA. The system receives and processes meter readings from devices such as positive displacement meters, turbine meters, and orifice meters via flow computers. Gas composition information from chromatographs and lab processing is managed by AVEVA Measurement Advisor as well.
AVEVA Measurement Advisor Module Features
A corporate measurement system responsible for collecting and validating meter and gas quality data. Using a sum of inputs and outputs to balance the system, you will be able to identify and reduce for for lost-and-unaccounted-for (LAUF) product.
Validate flow measurement and gas composition history records with a wide assortment of rules.
Adjust historical measurement records, including full audit trail of previous versions.
Recalculations using AGA flow rate calculations, etc. Line pack recalculation. Recalculation includes logic to recalculate related data, such as volumetric history for all dependent transactions for meters associated with a gas analysis record.
Build estimates for missing or late history records using default, last good, or valid records from a related source.
Aggregate 15 minute records to hourly, hourly records to daily, daily to monthly, for volumetric records.
Spread monthly or irregular period records to daily, daily to hourly, hourly to 15 minute history.
An accounting close of volume history to signal that data are ready for export to a billing or other financial system.
Records orifice meter calibrations, then will recalculate volumes after recalibration (adjustment) of a historical time span of primary data.
Summarization of meter-level volume history to station, plant, LAUF, etc. levels.