orKsoft® is a powerful decision aid digital platform for static equipment. Corrosion, Risk Based Inspection and Integrity Operating Windows are managed all together to provide a consolidated Mechanical Integrity software package. Artificial Intelligence enables a proactive risk-based management approach to build a long-term inspection strategy optimized with IOW to validate the strategy vision by real time data from IoTs. Complete Inspection Management System is also provided in the same platform.
The solutions ensure the highest level of safety and availability of the production from design to decommissioning while extending asset lifecycle.
Main features
• Identifying the potential damages of static equipment,
• Determining the probability of failure (PoF) and the consequence of failure (CoF),
• Optimizing the inspection strategy to reinforce efforts where it matters the most and release where it can be while remaining at an acceptable level of risk,
• Increasing uptime thanks to less production loss, decreasing inspection and maintenance costs, better Safety and Risk management.
• Managing inspection scheduling and activities

Off-the-shelf Modules

1. orKsoft AI Digital Platform®
- Assets, process conditions and fluids Repository
- Resource Register
- Safety and Environmental Critical Element management (SECE).
- Condition Monitoring Location management (CML)
- Scheme of Examination management (WSE)
- Alert management
- Inspection and Maintenance Management System (CIMMS).
- Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
- 2D and 3D viewers
2. orKsoft HSE & Integrity®
- Risk Register (Audit, Degraded Situation, Major Risk Scenario, Integrity Threat),
- Action plan management
3. orKsoft Integrity Operating Window®
- IOW management based on API 584 recommended practice.
4. orKsoft RBI® for static equipment
- Based on API 581 Version 2016 (Addendum 2019)
- Pressure vessel
- Piping
- Atmospheric Storage Tank
- Pressure Relief Device
5. orKsoft RBI Pipeline® for long-distance transportation function
- Based on API, ASME, and DNV-RP-F116.
6. orKsoft RBI Structure® for Metal Structure
7. orKsoft FFS®
- Level 1 and 2 Based on API 579.
Technical Modules:
1. orKsoft Report & Dashboard Builder®
- Enables end user to build his own reports and dashboards.
2. orKsoft Mass Upload®
- Enables end user to upload or update data in mass.
Optimized Scenario
None Specified
Available on
Cloud and PC
Security Compliance
None Specified
Chinese Simplified
System Requirements
Windows Server
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2019
Windows Operating System
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2016
Windows 7
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

AMETHYSTE® is a software editor that develop solutions 100% made in France.
Over the last 20 years, AMETHYSTE has specialized in Asset Integrity Management digital platform and more specifically in Risk Based Inspection strategies.
AMETHYSTE provides smart risk-based management software to the oil & gas, chemical, marine, power and renewables industries.
With a solid network of partners, experts in the field, and excellent track record on 120 projects deployed in more than 25 countries, AMETHYSTE provides a key element for asset availability and sustainability helping the industries to make informed decisions on optimizing Inspection strategies for relevant long-term programs.
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